Here we will go through the installation steps and how to properly setup the Roblox FPS Unlocker on Windows and Mac.
Firstly, download Roblox FPS Unlocker for windows by clicking on the download button on the top right or visiting our Downloads section here as shown below.
After downloading and extracting rbxfpsunlocker, double click or run the rbxfpsunlocker.exe file.
After initializing and installing the roblox fps unlocker you will notice a settings file spawned within your rbxfpsunlocker folder. For those that want to manually change their FPS cap, can do so by editing the values.
For now we will continue with the normal setup.
Go to your Windows Tray or click on arrow bottom right and right click on RbxFPSUnlocker. Now hover over FPS cap and select your desired frame rate! Here we have set our FPS on 120.
Now that we have configured Roblox FPS Unlocker, lets launch roblox. Enter any game and press shift+F5 key to view your current FPS!
Here you can see we have successfully set our FPS on 120!
Go to our Downloads page or click on the download button top right and select the MAC OS version.
When right clicking the file we downloaded you will most likely receive a “run as root” error. Thereby, we will use the following command to download and install rbxfpsunlocker on Mac.
Open up your terminal again and run the following code.
curl -sfLO
Now that we downloaded the install script, run the script as SUDO.
sudo sh install_fps_unlocker
After successfully installing Roblox FPS Unlocker for Mac – go ahead and launch Roblox.
Go into any game and hit the Shift+ F5 key to view your FPS.
Enjoy your free FPS Unlocker! – Our mac got around 176 frames per second!
Roblox FPS unlocker, also known as RBXFPSUnlocker, is a free tool that allows you to unlock more frames per second (fps) in Roblox. It works for both Windows and Mac users, and it removes the frame rate cap in Roblox, which restricts the game to a maximum of 60 FPS.
Get the best Roblox experience by playing with higher frames per second!
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